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Meet the CCSD Teacher: Riley Burns of Liberty ES!

Meet the CCSD Teacher: Riley Burns of Liberty ES!

Our amazing teachers are Elevating The Excellence in our schools … and every week, you’ll get to know one of them better through a Q&A posted here. #CCSDElevateTheExcellence


Riley Burns
Liberty Elementary School 
First-grade teacher 

What’s the most innovative idea that you’ve tried in your classroom? 
Last year, I created a decodable assessment and piloted it with my class.  I was able to gauge where they were with their decoding skills and saw huge strides and gains with the students in my class.  I also implemented the use of “bucket fillers” as an individual behavior management strategy. At the beginning of the year, we discuss what it means to be a bucket filler and ways to be a bucket filler at school.  The students love working to earn pom-poms in their buckets by making good choices and being kind, respectful friends to one another! 
Who is the best teacher you ever had and what made him or her special?
I have been fortunate enough to have many great teachers throughout my schooling.  One teacher I will always remember is Ms. Cavallaro, my fifth-grade math teacher.  She inspired me to have a love for learning that challenged me.  Her passion for teaching is what made me want to become a teacher. 
What can parents do to prepare their children for learning?
I always say, “parents are the first and best teacher at home!”  Reading with them daily and giving your child opportunities to become independent and build confidence at home are great ways to prepare them for school. 
What are the obstacles to getting all kids to achieve?
Creating a classroom environment that is happy and safe for all students to achieve in can be difficult knowing that they all come from different backgrounds and cultures.  Teachers have to be creative and use different resources to meet the individual needs of their students to ensure that they all feel successful and meet their goals. 